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Story: Finding Your Passion
This is a long story with a short, important point – contrary to the statement, Passion is something which cannot be found, it can only be nurtured over time to become something amazing. In this story, the protagonist Somashekar goes through a rollarcoaster ride to ‘find’ his passion.
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Three Cardinal Sins of New Year Resolutions
A study has found that 80% of those who make new year resolutions fail. By now, I feel I have failed more times than I
When is it too late to trying anything?
“As long as you are alive and learning, it is never too late. Either you gain, or you can train. Whatever be the case, our
Story: Finding Your Passion
This is a long story with a short, important point – contrary to the statement, Passion is something which cannot be found, it can only be nurtured over time to become something amazing. In this story, the protagonist Somashekar goes through a rollarcoaster ride to ‘find’ his passion.
Can your regret make you happier & successful?
Regrets are that perceived action or choice which results in a bad outcome later on in life. It could be that broken relationship, financial loss
Why our pursuit of success is killing our happiness?
Success is one of the most used words and what it means may differ for each of us. However, Is there a generic definition of
Why do we always crave for more?
Here are some questions that bugged me a few years ago… Why do we always crave for more? What are we all after and why?