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My Marathon Preparation..
A peep into how my practice session went about since the time i registered.
Harish Marnad
Harish Marnad
Harish Marnad
Want me to write about something?
Drop a line at [email protected]
As Discussed..Happy birthday!
November 24, 2010
It was my 29th birthday and I had taken off that day. My manager calls me in the evening and wishes me for my birthday.
My Marathon Preparation..
January 17, 2009
A peep into how my practice session went about since the time i registered.
Embarrassing or what?
February 3, 2007
Background: As a part of my work I was moved from my very comforting Bangalore to very near by place – London. Everything about London
Selfishness dumbfounded …
June 13, 2005
This is the conversation that I had with my bigger brother, Santhosh that made a lasting impression on me, this happened few years back when