Your Linkedin Post Matter

Your LinkedIn post is our main source of reaching maximum number of professionals to make their career fit. This is why your post is of immensely value and hence it has to follow the below instructions.

1. Start

Ensure that you start with a question which gets answered in the post. Below are some examples, 

  • Do you know about Career Fitness Test?
  • How fit is your career for tomorrow?
  • How do you know the health of your career? 

2. Content

Your content should have at least 200 characters and it should start with your experience and end with you recommending those in your network to take it. 

Ensure that the below link to the Career Fitness Score is shared along with the post without fail. 

3. Hashtags

The potential of your post maximises when you use hashtags and we want you to specific ones listed below. 

  • HMBA
  • CareerFitnessTest
  • CFS

You can choose to add your own relevant hashtags if it makes sense.

4. Tagging Harish

Ensure that you have tagged Harish Marnad in the post so that we can check and verify that you have indeed posted. 

We will leave a thankful comment on the post which confirms our appreciation for your help.

5. Connect & Notify

It is easier for you to let us know on the LinkedIn platform itself but you cannot send a message to Harish if you are not connected to him. So, connect with him and as you do, send a note mentioning you are a CFT participant.

6. Access Masterclass

We will send you the instructions to join our masterclass using which you can access the masterclass and learn the secret steps shared in that and take the next best step possible for you.